Our Services

Si2 provides online tools and in-depth reports that enable investors to make informed, independent decisions on social and environmental shareholder proposals. It also conducts related research on special topics of interest to its members and the general public.

Offerings Include

Proxy Season Analysis
Special Reports
Custom Research

Proxy Season Analysis

Engagement Monitor
This online tool for members is both the portal to our reports and a search engine that enables detailed, timely tracking of shareholder proposals. It identifies the resolution proponents and status of each proposal during proxy season—including meeting dates, if the proposals are omitted because of Securities and Exchange Commission staff decisions or withdrawn by the proponents, and timely reporting of final outcomes and votes. Users can customize filters and data sorting to retrieve links to related Si2 reports and source materials.

Briefing Papers -
Published in the first quarter of each year, these provide comprehensive overviews of key issues raised by shareholder activists, explaining the public policy context for shareholder proposal campaigns and how companies respond. Reports are primarily for members, but we make some available to the public.

Topics include the following:

  Θ  Environment -
     climate change, hydraulic fracturing & shale energy,
     industrial agriculture, toxic materials and general
     environmental management concerns;

  Θ  Social -
     Corporate political activity, human and labor rights,
     workplace diversity, health care and animal welfare;

  Θ  Governance -
     Board diversity, board oversight and reporting on sustainability;

  Θ  Economic -
     Financial services equity including fair lending and banking.

Action Reports
For members, these impartial, in-depth company-specific reports examine the resolutions that go to votes, with a concise accounting and analysis of issues as they intersect with a company’s business and its performance compared to peers. They present the information investors need to determine their votes, reflecting institutional guidelines and values. Si2 analysts consult with proponents, companies and other stakeholders to solicit feedback and ensure accuracy.

An Annual Proxy Season Forecast and Mid-Season Report
These provide critical context for investor engagement, covering recent trends, developments at the Securities and Exchange Commission and emerging public policy.

Special Reports

Outside the annual meeting during the first half of each year, Si2 produces special reports available to the public, digging deeper into contentious issues facing investors and companies, enabling intelligent discussion of their complexities.

Available in our Reports Section

Custom Reports

Si2 is available to conduct custom research for clients interested in analysis of sustainability issues raised by investors. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Membership Access to Research and Reports

Members support Si2 via annual subscriptions that enable access to all our research and publications in the Engagement Monitor, our online tool. Fees are based on a sliding scale tied to assets under management or endowment size.